pISSN 1226-6051
eISSN 2508-786X

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Studies on tertiary prevention of T1D

Drug Study population, age (years) Time of diagnosis Intervention Time of primary endpoint Primary endpoint Outcome, p value
Teplizumab (anti-CD3) Herold anti-CD350,51) (phase 1/2) n=42, 7-30 <6 weeks IV infusion for 14 days 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC 103% vs. 49% of baseline (0.01)
Protégé52,53) (phase 2/3) n=516, 8-35 <12 weeks 1. 14-day full-dose group (n=209): ~9034 μg/m22. 14-day low-dose group (n=102): ~2985 μg m23. 6-day full-dose group (n=99): ~2426 μg/m2 2 years Insulin <0.5 U/kg + HbA1c <6.5% NS
ITN AbATE54)(phase 2) n=83, 8-30 <8 weeks IV infusion for 14 days 2 years MMTT C-peptide AUC change -0.28 vs.-0.46 (0.002)
DELAY55)(phase 2) n=63, 8-28 4-12 months IV infusion for 14 days 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC 0.45 vs. 0.37 (0.03)
PROTECT56)(phase 3) n=328, 8-17 <6 weeks 2 cycles of 12-day course IV infusion 18 months MMTT C-peptideAUC change -0.09 vs. -0.21 (<0.001)
Otelixizumab (anti-CD3) Keymeulen anti-CD359,60) n=80, 12-39 <4 weeks* IV infusion for 6 daysday 1: 8 mg or 24 mg; day 2-6: 8 mg 48 months insulin requirement change +0.09 vs.+0.32 U/kg/day (<0.01)
DEFEND-157)(DEFEND-258)) n=281(179), 12-45(12-45) <90 days day 1: 0.1 mg; day 2: 0.2 mg; day 3: 0.3 mg; day 4-8: 0.5 mg IV infusion 1 year MMTT C-peptideAUC change NS
Anti-CD3 dose-finding trial61) n=28, 16-27 <32 days cumulative 9 or 18 or 27 mg IV infusion for 6 days 18 months 1. Safety2. MMTT C-peptideAUC 1. Dose-related AEs, n/a2. Diff: 0.39 (0.023)
Abatacept (anti-CD80/86) TrialNet abatacept62,63) n=112, 6-45 <100 days 10 mg/kg (max: 1000 mg/dose) IV infusion day 1, 14, 28 and once a month for 2 years 2 years MMTT C-peptide AUC 0.378 vs.0.238 (0.0029)
Alefacept (anti-CD2) T1DAL-alefacept64,65) n=49, 12-35 <100 days 15 mg IV infusion per week, 12 times repeat after 12 weeks rest 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC change +0.015 vs.-0.115 (0.065)
Rituximab (anti-CD20) TrialNet anti-CD2066,67) n=87, 8-40 3 weeks-3 months day 1, 8, 15, 22375 mg/m2 IV infusion 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC 0.56 vs. 0.47 (0.03)
Iscalimab (anti-CD40) Iscalimab CD40 blockade68) n=102, 12-21 <56 days initial: IV infusion; subsequent: SC 1 year 1. Safety2. MMTT C-peptide In progress
Canakinumab (anti-IL-1β) TrialNet canakinumab69) n=69, 6-45 <100 days 2 mg/kg (max: 300 mg) once a month SC for 12 months 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC NS
Anakinra (anti-IL-1) AIDA anakinra trial69) n=69, 18-35 <12 weeks 100 mg qd SC for 9 months 9 months MMTT C-peptide AUC NS
Tocilizumab (anti-IL-6) EXTEND-children70) (adults70)) n=81(55), 6-17(18-45) <100 days 10 mg/kg or 8 mg/kg (max: 800 mg) IV per 4 week for 24 weeks 52 weeks MMTT C-peptide AUC NS
Ladarixin (anti-IL-8) Ladarixin71) n=76, 18-46 <100 days* 400 mg PO bid, 14 days on/14 days off cycle, 3 cycles 13 weeks MMTT C-peptide AUC change NS
Ustekinumab (anti-IL-12/23) UST1D2-adults72) n=66, 18-35 <100 days week 0: 6 mg/kg IV (loading dose)week 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48: 90 mg SC 52 weeks MMTT C-peptide AUC In progress
USTEK1D-adolescents73) n=72, 12-18 <100 days week 0, 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44: 2 mg/kg or 90 mg SC 52 weeks MMTT C-peptide AUC In progress
Etanercept (anti-TNF-α) Etanercept74) n=18, 7-18 <4 weeks 0.4 mg/kg (max: 25mg) SC twice a week for 24 weeks 24 weeks MMTT C-peptide AUC change +39% vs. -20% (0.05)
Golimumab (anti-TNF-α) T1GER75) n=84, 6-21 <100 days 60 mg/m2 or 100 mg SC in week 0 and 2; 30 mg/m2 or 50 mg SC per 2 weeks from week 4 52 weeks MMTT C-peptide AUC 0.64 vs. 0.43 (<0.001)
IL-2 DF-IL2-Child77) n=24, 7-14 <3 months 0.125 or 0.250 or 0.500 MIU/m2 SC qd for 5 days 436 days Tregnumber Dose-dependent increase (n/a)
Verapamil Verapamil80) n=24, 18-44 <3 months 360 mg/day PO 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC Diff=0.28 (0.0186)
CLVer81) n=88, 7-17 <31 days initial: 60 mg/day or 120 mg/day PO titration (max: 360 mg/day) for 2-4 weeks 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC Diff=0.14 (0.04)
Ver-A-T1D82) n=138, 18-45 <6 weeks day 0~week 4: 120 mg qd POweek 4~week 8: 240 mg qd POweek 8~month 12: 360 mg qd PO 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC In progress
Imatinib (TKI) Imatinib trial83) n=67, 18-45 <100 days 100 mg qd PO for 26 weeks 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC 0.583 vs. 0,489 (0.048)
Baricitinib (JAK inhibitor) BANDIT84,85) n=91, 10-30 <100 days 4 mg qd PO for 48 weeks 48 weeks MMTT C-peptide AUC 0.65 vs. 0.43 (0.001)
Atorvastatin DIATOR86,87) n=89, 18-39 2 weeks-3 months 40 mg qd PO for first 4 weeks, then 80 mg qd PO 18 months MMTT C-peptide AUC 0.78 vs. 0.41 (NS)
1. Treg+ rituximab2. Treg Treg ± anti-CD2088) n=36, 8-16 n/a 1. Treg + rituximab2. Treg + placebo 2 years MMTT C-peptideAUC Treatment Ratio 1. 1.770 (Sig.)2. 1.893 (Sig.)
MSCs MSCs – Uppsala89) n=20, 18-40 <3 weeks 2.1-3.6×106 autologous cells/kg (median 2.75×106 cells/kg) IV infusion without premedication 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC change Increase vs. 13% decrease (<0.05)
1. Anti-IL-21 + liraglutide2. Anti-IL-21 alone3. Liraglutide alone Anti-IL-21 ± liraglutide90) n=308, 18-45 <20 weeks anti-IL-21: 12 mg/kg IV per 6 weeksliraglutide: initial 0.6 mg SC qd,increase 0.6 mg per 2 weeks until 1.8 mg1. Anti-IL-21 + liraglutide2. Anti-IL-21 alone3. Liraglutide alone 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC change 1. -10% vs. -39% (0.0017)2. -25% vs. -39% (0.093)3. -32% vs. -39% (0.38)
Pleconaril + ribavirin DiViDInt91) n=96, 6-15 <3 weeks* pleconaril: 5 mg/kg PO bid (max: 600 mg/day) ribavirin: 7.5 mg/kg PO bid (max: 1000 mg/day if <75 kg; else 1200 mg/day) 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC average marginal effect=0.057 (0.037)
ATG ± GCSF ATG + GCSF trial92,93) n=25, 12-45 4 months-2 years ATG: 0.5 kg/mg IV on day 1;2 mg/kg IV on day 2pegylated GCSF: 6 mg SC per 2 weeks, total 6 times 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC 0.74 vs. 0.43 (0.05)
TrialNet ATG ± GCSF trial94,95) n=89, 12-45 <100 days 1. ATG alone2. ATG + GCSF 1 year MMTT C-peptide AUC 1. 0.646 vs. 0.406 (0.0003)2. NS
Rituximab ± abatacept RAPTOR Pilot96) n=36, 8-45 <100 days rituximab-pvvr: 375 mg/m2 IV qw, week 1-4 abatacept: SC qw for 20 months, from week 16 control group: Rituximab + placebo experimental group: Rituximab + Abatacept 2 years MMTT C-peptide AUC In progress

*time of insulin requirement; difference between 9 mg and placebo group. Abbreviations: AEs, adverse events; ATG, anti-thymocyte globulin; AUC, area under curve; bid, twice a day; CI, confidence interval; Diff, difference between experimental and placebo; GCSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; HR, hazard ratio; IV, intravenous; JAK, janus kinase; MMTT, mixed meal tolerance test; MSCs, mesenchymal stem cells; n/a, not applicable; NS, not Significant; PO, per oral; qd, once a day; qw, once a week; SC, subcutaneous; Sig., Significant; T1D, type 1 diabetes; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor

Korean J Clin Pharm 2024;34:210-21 https://doi.org/10.24304/kjcp.2024.34.4.210
© 2024 Korean J Clin Pharm