pISSN 1226-6051
eISSN 2508-786X

Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Causes of pharmacists’ interventions for drug-related problems classified according to PCNE Classification V9.1 (n = 527)

Primary Domain Cause n (%)
Prescribing & drug selection Drug selection Inappropriate drug according to guidelines/formulary 11(2.09)
The cause of the (potential) No indication for drug 2(0.38)
DRP is related to the selection of the drug (by patient or health professional) Inappropriate duplication of therapeutic group or active ingredient 25(4.74)
No or incomplete drug treatment in spite of existing indication 71(13.47)
Drug form
The cause of the DRP is related to the selection of the drug form Inappropriate drug form/formulation (for this patient) 21(3.98)
Dose selection Drug dose too low 12(2.28)
The cause of the DRP is related to the selection of the dose or dosage Drug dose of a single active ingredient too high 13(2.47)
Dosage regimen not frequent enough 11(2.09)
Dosage regimen too frequent 7(1.33)
Dose timing instructions wrong, unclear or missing 4(0.76)
Treatment duration Duration of treatment too short 67(12.71)
The cause of the DRP is related to the duration of treatment Duration of treatment too long 12(2.28)

Use Patient related
The cause of the DRP is related to the patient and his behavior (intentional or nonintentional) Patient intentionally uses/takes less drug than prescribed or does not take the drug at all for whatever reason 204(38.71)

Seamless Other Other cause; specify 66(12.52)
No obvious cause 1(0.19)

DRP, drug-related problem; PCNE, The Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe

Korean J Clin Pharm 2024;34:62-70 https://doi.org/10.24304/kjcp.2024.34.1.62
© 2024 Korean J Clin Pharm