pISSN 1226-6051
eISSN 2508-786X

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Demographic characteristics of prescriptions involved in pharmacists’ intervention from March to August 2023

Characteristics Total (n=527)

n (%)
Mean (SD) 64.43 (±16.88)
≤20 16 (3.04)
21−40 31 (5.88)
41−60 114 (21.63)
61−80 295 (55.98)
≥81 71 (13.47)
Male 263 (49.91)
Female 264 (50.09)
Type of insurance
Medical insurance 514 (97.53)
Medical aid 12 (2.28)
Others1) 1 (0.19)
March 79 (14.99)
April 93 (17.65)
May 102 (19.35)
June 79 (14.99)
July 88 (16.70)
August 86 (16.32)
Polypharmacy (5 or more)
Yes 183 (34.72)
No 344 (65.28)
Physician specialty
Neurology 72 (14.15)
Endocrinology 45 (8.84)
Gastroenterology 43 (8.45)
Cardiovascular Medicine 41 (8.06)
Dermatology 28 (5.50)
Ophthalmology 28 (5.50)
Oncology 27 (5.30)
Nephrology 25 (4.91)
psychiatry 24 (4.72)
General surgery 22 (4.32)
Rheumatology 21 (4.13)
Orthopedics 20 (3.93)
Pediatrics 16 (3.14)
Respiratory Medicine 16 (3.14)
Dentist 16 (3.14)
Others 83 (15.75)

SD, standard deviation.

1)Others include industrial accident compensation insurance, veterans’ insurance, automobile insurance, and non-insurance.

Korean J Clin Pharm 2024;34:62-70 https://doi.org/10.24304/kjcp.2024.34.1.62
© 2024 Korean J Clin Pharm