pISSN 1226-6051
eISSN 2508-786X

Table. 1.

Table. 1.

Respondents’ characteristics and collective identity

Characteristics N %
Total no. of respondents 555 100.0
Gender Male 231 41.6
Female 324 58.4
Age (years) Median (Range) 25 (21-39)
Pharmacy school year 3rd 176 31.7
4th 131 23.6
5th 131 23.6
6th 117 21.1
Location of attending school Metropolitan area 201 36.2
Non-metropolitan area 354 63.8
Future job sector aspired Clinical 386 69.5
Community pharmacy 163 29.4
Hospital pharmacy 223 40.2
Non-clinical 169 30.5
Industry 87 15.7
Government 41 7.4
Academia 41 7.4
No. of medical doctors/students contacting at least once a year 0 205 36.9
1-2 227 40.9
3-4 78 14.1
5-6 22 4.0
7~ 23 4.1
Collective identity as a pharmacy school student (Mean±SD) Perceived current social recognition of pharmacists (1: very negative ~ 6: very positive) 3.42±1.02
Pride in becoming a pharmacist (1: not proud at all ~ 6: very proud) 4.76±0.97
Korean J Clin Pharm 2023;33:186-94 https://doi.org/10.24304/kjcp.2023.33.3.186
© 2023 Korean J Clin Pharm