pISSN 1226-6051
eISSN 2508-786X

Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Experiences of interprofessional education (IPE) during the pharmacy school years

Questions N %
Total no. of respondents 555 100.0
Experiences of IPE during the pharmacy school years
IPE experiences No 503 90.6
Yes 52 9.4
Operation of IPE (n=52) Course with credit 25 4.5
Non-class activity without credit 23 4.1
Course with credit + non-class activity without credit 4 0.7
Type of IPE program (select all) (n=52) Joint volunteering activity with medical students 23 4.1
Joint workshop/seminar with medical students 15 2.7
Joint lecture with medical students 11 2.0
Joint clinical practice with medical students 9 1.6
Joint discussion class with medical students 5 0.9
Joint professional role play with medical students 0 0.0
Other: IPE class only for pharmacy students 3 0.5
Contents of IPE program (select all) (n=52) Communication skills with medical doctors 25 4.5
Understanding medical doctors’ work 18 3.2
How to collaborate with medical doctors 18 3.2
Making relationships with medical doctors 7 1.3
Other: Acquisition of professional knowledge 3 0.5
Suggestions for future IPE program in pharmacy school and medical school
Future necessity of IPE program between pharmacist-medical doctor (1: strongly disagree, 6: strongly agree) (Mean±SD) 4.95±0.96
Important IPE program contents (2 choices allowed) How to collaborate with medical doctors 434 78.2
Communication skills with medical doctors 283 51.0
Understanding medical doctors’ work 247 44.5
Understanding medical doctors’ work 69 12.4
Proper IPE program types (3 choices allowed) Joint clinical practice with medical students 460 82.9
Joint workshop/seminar with medical students 335 60.4
Joint volunteering activity with medical students 233 42.0
Joint lectures with medical students 190 34.2
Joint discussion class with medical students 181 32.6
Joint professional role play with medical students 105 18.9

IPE, interprofessional education

Korean J Clin Pharm 2023;33:186-94 https://doi.org/10.24304/kjcp.2023.33.3.186
© 2023 Korean J Clin Pharm