pISSN 1226-6051
eISSN 2508-786X

Table. 5.

Table. 5.

Frequently reported adverse drug events associated with cetuximab use

Adverse Events No. of AEs %
Rash 474 9.15
Acne 322 6.22
Nausea 295 5.69
Pruritus 281 5.42
Diarrhea 214 4.13
Granulocytopenia 201 3.88
Anorexia 182 3.51
Stomatitis 145 2.80
Asthenia 131 2.53
Abdominal pain 118 2.28
Vomiting 115 2.22
Urticaria 112 2.16
Skin disorder 108 2.08
Fever 97 1.87
Constipation 95 1.83
Leucopenia 91 1.76
Dyspnea 88 1.70
Rigors 68 1.31
Mucositis nose 68 1.31
Nail disorder 62 1.20
Others 1,913 36.93
Total 5,180 100

AE, Adverse event

Korean J Clin Pharm 2022;32:226-37 https://doi.org/10.24304/kjcp.2022.32.3.226
© 2022 Korean J Clin Pharm