pISSN 1226-6051
eISSN 2508-786X

Table. 2.

Table. 2.

Top 10 medications involved in patient safety incidents and medication error from KAERs data and survey from pharmacists in charge of medication safety

Medication class/ingredients N % Medication class/ingredients N %

Total patient incident reports (N=5078) Common medications involved in dispensing errors from survey (N=39)
total parenteral nutrition 133 2.6 total parenteral nutrition 9 23.7
acetylcysteine 81 1.6 morphine 7 18.4
potassium chloride 59 1.2 lansoprazole 6 15.8
ceftriaxone 54 1.1 quetiapine 6 15.8
diclofenac 51 1.0 piperacillin/tazobactam 5 13.2
morphine 46 0.9 tacrolimus 5 13.2
lorazepam 46 0.9 ceftriaxone 5 13.2
furosemide 43 0.8 carvedilol 5 13.2
fluorouracil 42 0.8 acetaminophen 4 10.5
regular insulin* 41 0.8 acetylcysteine 4 10.5
heparin 41 0.8
norepinephrine 41 0.8

Reports that caused patient harm (N=3363) Common medications involved in prescribing errors from survey (N=39)

total parenteral nutrition 72 3.8 esomeprazole 18 46.2
acetylcysteine 40 2.1 acetaminophen/tramadol 16 41.0
potassium chloride 33 1.7 lansoprazole 16 41.0
regular insulin 32 1.7 famotidine 15 38.5
norepinephrine 28 1.5 metoclopramide 15 38.5
heparin 27 1.4 aspirin 14 35.9
diclofenac 27 1.4 mosapride 14 35.9
morphine 26 1.4 pantoprazole 12 30.8
fluorouracil 22 1.2 levofloxacin 11 28.2
lorazepam 22 1.2 metformin 11 28.2

Reports that caused patient harm due to medication characteristics (N =1037) Medication errors that caused serious ADE from KAERs data (N=80)

total parenteral nutrition 63 5.8 oxcarbazepine 8 10.0
acetylcysteine 36 3.3 aspirin 7 8.8
regular insulin* 31 2.9 lamotrigine 7 8.8
potassium chloride 28 2.6 aripiprazole 6 7.5
morphine 25 2.3 methotrexate* 6 7.5
heparin 22 2.0 teriparatide 5 6.3
ketamine 21 1.9 tacrolimus 3 3.8
diclofenac 20 1.8 phenytoin 2 2.5
norepinephrine 18 1.7 gemcitabine 2 2.5
lorazepam 15 1.4 levetiracetam 2 2.5
telmisartan 2 2.5
carbamazepine 2 2.5
warfarin* 1 1.3
anti-androgen* 1 1.3

*medications involved in mortality cases

Korean J Clin Pharm 2022;32:116-24 https://doi.org/10.24304/kjcp.2022.32.2.116
© 2022 Korean J Clin Pharm