pISSN 1226-6051
eISSN 2508-786X

Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Cumulative prevalence of *rheumatic diseases according to the amount of physical activity between prediabetes group and control group

Physical exerciseprediabetes Total=19205 n (%)§Control group Total=39186 n (%)OR (95% CI) p-value
≥3 times/week14 (0.07)26 (0.07)1.00 (0.561-2.064) 0.825
≤2 times/week52 (0.27)185 (0.47)0.58 (0.422-0.782) <0.001

Abbreviations: CI; confidence interval.

Rheumatic diseases were defined as KDC code of diagnosis by physicians.

Prediabetes was defined as fasting plasma glucose level of 100-125 mg/dL.

control group was defined as fasting plasma glucose level below 100 mg/dL.

Korean J Clin Pharm 2019;29:278-85 https://doi.org/10.24304/kjcp.2019.29.4.278
© 2019 Korean J Clin Pharm