So-Young Lee, Ji-Eun Lee, Mi-Ri Kim, Euna Jeong, Eun Cho. The Use of Weight Loss Medication in Korea: An Analysis of Prescriptions Voluntarily Posted Online. HIRA Research 2023;3:182
Iyn-Hyang Lee, So Young Kim, Susin Park, Jae Gon Ryu, Nam Kyung Je. Impact of the Narcotics Information Management System on Opioid Use Among Outpatients With Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders: Quasi-Experimental Study Using Interrupted Time Series. JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024;10:e47130
Soo-Hyuk Yoon, Jeongsoo Kim, Susie Yoon, Ho-Jin Lee. Current status of opioid prescription in South Korea using narcotics information management system. Korean J Pain 2024;37:41