Authors Guideline
Revised on August 2022
1. Aims and scope
- Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (KJCP) is dedicated to publication of original clinical research and practice articles on all aspects of clinical pharmacy that aim to advancement of safe, effective, and economical use of medications.
2. Publication ethics
3. Copyright, License, and Originality
- Upon approval of the article for publication, all copyrights for the paper are transferred to The Korean College of Clinical Pharmacy. The author confirms that the creation is his/her own, and on behalf of other authors, takes responsibility for the releasing the material and signs the copyright transfer agreement. Copyright transfer includes exclusive rights to distribute reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, conversion to electronic form, and similar forms of reproductions as well as the original article.
Articles published in KJCP are open-access, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and the reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.
Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published in any context, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
4. Types of papers
- KJCP considers manuscripts for publication in the following 6 types of papers and they should be written according to ‘6. Manuscript Format’ section below.
1) Original Research:
This full-length research paper should describe original and important pieces of work in detail
from the fields covered by the Journal. There are no word and reference limit, however, the editorial committee may
request to edit the format. Generally it is written in the order of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References.
2) Case Report:
Case report details interesting clinical case that provides relevant insights into drug therapy.
It is written in the order of Summary, Background or Introduction, Case report, Discussion and References.
3) Review Article:
Review article is written on the current topic of a specific interest within the scope of KJCPand as a general rule, the review is invited by the editorial board.
Please note that the invited reviews will be subjected to appropriate evaluation process.
4) Clinical Information:
This is a brief, concise, and focused article on controversies, dilemmas, and significant changes in drug therapy including important new drugs that may be in late-phase trials or that have recently been marketed.
It does not necessarily need to follow the format of an Original Research article.
5) Short Communication:
Short Communication: These are short papers that present original or significant material for rapid dissemination.
The paper is limited to 3000 words and it should follow the format of Abstract, Main text and References, and contains no more than 6 figures or tables combined.
6) Letter-to-the-editor:
It includes the following contents in a letter format and is submitted by an electronic or regular mail.
References may be added to support the author’s claims, and if so, they should comply with ‘6. Manuscript preparation instructions’.
(1) An article that raises the reader’s claim or objection to the editorial board or author(s) regarding the content(s) of a paper or letter published in the previous volume or issue
(2) Comments made at the level of various academic societies, associations, and institutions on papers published in the latest issue.
(3) Suggestions on correction of various editorial errors or suggestions for advancement of the KJCP or Korean College of Clinical Pharmacy (KCCP).
5. Manuscript submission
- All manuscripts must be prepared using ‘MS-Office’ and
submitted online through the KJCP e-Submission system at All contents of the manuscript
must be uploaded at the website.
6. Manuscript preparation instructions
- 1) Preparation of the manuscript file
- The manuscript must be double-spaced and written on only one side of A4 size paper with at least 3.0 cm margin from top and 2.54 cm margins from other sides. All pages should
be numbered. The first page of manuscript should include in type of paper, title page, authors and affiliated institution information in English and Korean. Moreover, corresponding author information is followed with name (without academic
degrees or position indicated), affiliated institution, address, phone number, fax number and email address in English. Cover letter, which includes the brief description and implications of the paper within one page, should be
included with the submission of manuscript, written in English or Korean. All authors must acknowledge the copyright transfer to KJCP upon publication and sign and submit the Statement of copyright transfer. Authors shall
comply with each point on the Checklist for Authors provided at KJCP and KCCP homepage.
- (1) Medical terminology: The manuscript may be prepared in Korean or English, but Abstract should be written in
English. Korean medical terminology should be used in accordance with the Korean Academy of Medical
Sciences (KAMS) Library and foreign language itself can be used if no proper words are indicated in Korean at KAMS Library.
- (2) Substance name: As a general rule, substance names should be indicated in accordance with the Korean
Pharmacopoeia (K.P.) or Korean Ministry of Education. Foreign names should follow the nomenclature and
terminology of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Capital letters are used in abbreviated
words only. Trade names should be included only to 83 distinguish between different trade preparations or for
some combination drugs. Trade registry mark (®) may be used next to brand name.
- (3) Abbreviation: Standard abbreviations may be used, but the definition should be provided at the first use on the
manuscript. Abbreviation use is not recommended in the title and English abstract.
- (4) Numbers: As a general rule, Arabic numerals are used
- (5) Units: International System of Units (SI) should be used. Otherwise, internationally accepted units should be used.
- 2) Manuscript format
- Manuscript should be prepared in the following terminology and order.
- (1) Title page Title, author names, institutional affiliation and address should be written. This should be written in Korean and in English in the same order.
- ① Title
Article title should be concise but indicating the main focus of the paper. Other than radioactive
element symbols, molecular chemical symbols or abbreviations are not recommended in the title.
Scientific names should comply with binomial nomenclature system without authors’ names (e.g. generic and species names only). Title in Korean
should avoid containing foreign languages or abbreviations.
- ② Author names
Multiple authors with different affiliations and addresses are indicated using
superscripted numbers (1, 2). When writing in English, full name should be listed in the order of
given name and family name, as shown in the following example. Corresponding author is marked
with superscripted asterisk symbol. Three affiliated institutions: Soon Hee Choi1, Hyun Mi Kim1, Kyoung Sik An2, and Uk Myung Lee3*
- ③ Affiliations and address
Names of the affiliated institutions and address (including the 5 digit zip code) are listed. If there are multiple authors with
different affiliations and addresses, the addresses should be distinguished according to the mark indicated on the upper right side of the authors’ name. Official country name of Korea should be
indicated as Republic of Korea.
- ④ Corresponding author
Detailed address, zip code and phone number are indicated separately, and phone number should include country code and area code, all written only in English.
- ⑤ Authors’ Information
Authors’ information includes authors’ name in English followed by their positions. A
semicolon ( ; ) is placed between the authors. Example) Authors’ information (Position): Soon Hee Choi, Graduate student; Hyun Mi Kim, Researcher; Kyoung Sik An, Professor
- (2) Abstract
An abstract should be a concise statement of Background (and/or Objective), Methods, Results,
and Conclusions written in full sentences, not in phrases, with no longer than 250 words in English. Up
to 6 keywords is listed below the Abstract, and only the first word is capitalized.
□ KEYWORDS-Circardian rhythm, dosage regimen, pharmacokinetic parameter The Abstract is attached after the title page
- (3) Introduction
Study objectives or related information are included but not in the form of extensive reviews.
Content starts without a subtitle as Introduction.
- (4) Methods
Include sufficient detail for others to replicate it. However, provide citations of methods that have previously been published.
- ① Special regulations regarding Gendered Innovations Policy In studies involving cell, animal, or human
research including all clinical studies, it should be recognized that factors such as biological “sex” or
sociocultural “gender” could affect study results and the following should be included.
- (a) Cell or animal studies - The source and accreditation of cell line or animals should be described.
- (A) Descriptions of biological characteristics of cell line or animals are recommended.
- (B) Conduction of study with equal proportions of both sex of cells or animals, and descriptions of study results based on sex
are recommended if differences in results exist between sex.
- (C) When single sex is studied, provision of justification is recommended unless there is an obvious rationale (i.e. pregnancy or ovarian cancer).
- (b) Clinical study - Ensure correct usage of the terms “sex” and “gender”.
- (A) It is recommended that the paper includes comparison and analysis of results involving study that include both men and women.
- (B) When the study is conducted involving single sex/gender, provision of scientific justification is recommended.
- (5) Result
Try not to duplicate the same results in both tables and figures.
- (6) Discussion
Discussion includes explanation or supporting information, and it should not be duplicate the results. Discussion can be combined with Results section.
- (7) Conclusion
Conclusion summarizes the study results in a simple and concise way, and it may be included in the Discussion section.
- (8) Acknowledgment
Please include any notes acknowledging financial or professional academic assistance to the
conduct of research. Research funding/grant information can be included.
- (9) Conflict of Interest
All known or potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed. If no potential personal,
financial, or occupational conflict exists, the following statement should be included: “The authors have no
conflicts of interest to declare with regards to the contents of this study.”
- (10) Research Ethics
Case studies or study involving human must be approved by the Institutional Review
Board (IRB), and such results and approval number should be included within the manuscript.
- (11) References
Each reference should be in English either by itself or by translation. Transliteration should
be considered when the translation is not applicable. References should be numbered consecutively as they
are first cited in the text. Reference number are identified in text, tables, and legends by superscript
Arabic numbers followed by parenthesis. Journal names should be abbreviated as they appear in PubMed.
- · Author names
Last name followed by first and middle name initials are included. List all authors when six or less; when seven or more, list only first three and add et al.
- · Article title, section title, abstract title, etc
Only the first word should start with a capitalized letter and other words should be in small letters.
- · Journal title, book title, abstract book title
Official abbreviation, or full name should be used, and the first letter of each title should be capitalized. Do not include a period (.) in the case of official abbreviations.
(1) Citing literature in the text
Example sentence) …. was performed.5,10-12)
- (2) Citing published articles and supplements
- 1) Published articles
List in the order of: Author. Article title. Journal Title (abbreviated) Date of publication;volume(issue):first page-last page.
Example) Jones LA, Gonzalez ER, Reines HD. Assessment of 24-hour gastric pH measurements in trauma patients receiving
intravenous famotidine by intermittent bolus versus continuous infusion administration. Ann Pharmacother 1994;28(7-8):841-4.
Example) Ferri CP, Prince M, Brayne C, et al. Global prevalence of dementia: a Delphi consensus study. Lancet 2005;366(9503):2112-7.
- 2) Theses/dissertations
List in the order of: Author. Title. Degree title. Institution. Year of completion.
Example) Tan HK. Studies on sustained release of ranitidine hydrochloride matrix tablets. M.S. Thesis for Pharmacy Sung Kyun Kwan University. 1998.
- 3) Articles in press
List in the order of: Author. Title. Journal title, in press
Example) Lee KT, Seo SH, Kim DH. Inorganic phosphate has the inhibitory effect of phosphotyrosyl phosphate activity of alkaline
phosphatase in rabbit plasma. Korean J Clin Pharm, in press.
- · Citing books
- 1) Section in a book
List in the order of: Section author. section title. In: book author(s). book title, edition. place of publication: publisher, published year: first page-last page.
Example) Miller AB. Ischemic heart disease. In: Delafuente JC,
Stewart RB, eds. Therapeutics in the elderly, 3rd ed. Cincinnati:
Harvey Whitney Books, 1995: 272-86.
- 2) Whole book
List in the order of: Author. book title, edition. Place of publication: publisher, published year: first page-last page
Example) Greenwood D. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 3rd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1995: 179-87, 206-30.
- · Proceedings in Conference or workshops
Example) Vetter N. Efficacy of meropenem in the treatment of respiratory tract infections. In: Proceedings of the Meropenem Workshop, Athens, Greece, May 26, 1992.
- · Websites
List in the order of: Author. Title of document. URL address.
Accessed date.
Example) Ministry of Unification of Republic of Korea. Unification White Paper 2012. Available from: Accessed February 25, 2019.
- (12) Tables and Figures
- ① Total number of tables and figures is limited to 7 in an article.
- ② Figures Insert tables, figures, and schemes in order following References in the manuscript or attach them separately each in separate sheets.
Within the main text, only indicate the place of table/figure insertion. Unless there is a special reason, the figure is reduced to width of 7.5 cm;
therefore, texts, numbers and symbols are to be selected with such considerations. Use symbols that are identifiable in black and white printing,
and their identification should be included in the legends below. Use consecutive numbers such as Fig. 1, 2, 3 or Scheme 1, 2, 3 below the figures
and schemes. Figure legends should be written in English.
- ③ Tables Each table is written only in English and presented in separate sheets. Tables require consecutive numbers (such as Table 1, 2, 3) and
titles above the two horizontal lines and descriptions below the horizontal line at the bottom. Do not use internal vertical rules and use internal horizontal rules minimally.
7. Review and acceptance of manuscripts
- 1) Submitted manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board and the board makes the decision regarding the publication of manuscripts.
- 2) The editor-in-chief initially evaluates the manuscript, and it is sent to an editorial board member. The editorial board member first evaluates the manuscript for its ‘suitability of
the format and editorial policy requirements, necessity and originality of the research, clarity of research purpose, appropriateness of research contents and methods’ and if
deemed inappropriate, manuscript can be rejected without reviewer evaluations.
- 3) Editorial board invites at least two qualified reviewers, and editorial board members can be invited as reviewers. As a general rule, reviewers from the same institution as the
authors are excluded, and reviewers are asked to indicate whether conflicts of interest exist with regards to the research article. Reviewer selection and review process is not disclosed.
- 4) The manuscript is provided to reviewers without any cues on the identity of the author(s).
- 5) Reviewers are given at least two weeks for review, and the reviewers are notified of the deadline for review at the time of invitation.
- 6) Reviewers comprehensively evaluate the manuscript on its format and editorial policy requirements, necessity and
originality of the research, clarity of research purpose, appropriateness of the research contents and methods, expected impact and practicality of the results, and provide
the following recommendations: accept, minor revision, major revision, or reject. Reviewers must provide reviewer evaluation comments in free form.
- 8) Manuscripts that are not accepted or those requiring
revisions are returned to the author(s) with specified comments.
8. Retraction/expressions of concern
- Articles may be retracted by the author(s) or by the journal
editor. However, since the final decision to retract the article
rests with the editor, the article can be retracted without
consent of all authors. Publications can be retracted if the
journal editor is convinced that the publication data or results
are seriously flawed (e.g. fabrication, falsification, plagiarism),
or misconduct exists regarding author ethics, conflicts of
interest, or duplicate publications.
9. Resubmission
- Deadline for manuscript revision of a returned article is 3
months, and after the deadline, the manuscript will be
considered a new manuscript and will be subject to a new
review process.
10. Proofs
- 1) Authors are fully responsible for correction of galleyproofs.
- 2) Authors should provide corrections to the initial proof for typesetting accuracy.
- 3) No revisions or additions to the original manuscript will be allowed at this stage. If such cases, the manuscript should be re-evaluated by the editorial board and authors are responsible for any expenses incurred by this process.
- 4) If the authors proofreading process is delayed without any justifiable reason or notice, the editorial board can initiate printing after self-correction or postpone the publication of
the manuscript to the next volume or issue without special notification.
- 5) Even after the manuscript is accepted, if the authors arbitrarily make revisions to the manuscript or contact the publishing and printing company without the permission
from the editorial board, the decision to publish may be withdrawn or the lead author(s) may be penalized.
11. Publication fee
- All papers published in KJCP will be subject to a KRW 20,000 per a page publication fee. The corresponding author to
be assessed at the time papers are accepted for publication is responsible for the payment. However, the publication fee can be waved for papers without funding.
12. Corrigenda and corrections
- If correction of the article content is absolutely necessary, the
author may submit a corrigendum within one month of
publication of the article. This corrigendum will be published
in the next issue of the journal. Even if the article has already
been published, the editorial board may request the responsible
author for correction of article contents when necessary. No
extra charge or fee will be charged to the authors.
13. Data Sharing Policy
The Korean College of Clinical Pharmacy (KJCP) encourages data sharing wherever possible, unless this is prevented by ethical, privacy, or confidentiality matters. Authors wishing to do so may deposit their data in a publicly accessible repository and include a link to the DOI within the text of the manuscript.
Clinical Trials: KJCP accepts the ICMJE Recommendations for data sharing statement policy ( Authors may refer to the editorial, “Data Sharing statements for Clinical Trials: A Requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors,” in JKMS vol. 32, no. 7:1051-1053 (
- The above Author Guidelines is updated and verified on August 2022 and implemented staring September 2022.
The Author Guidelines can be modified by the Editorial board.